1 - POWER: make sure your pedal has a fresh battery or a good guitar pedal power supply connected. 9vdc, tip negative, standard guitar pedal supply.
2 - SIMPLIFY AND ISOLATE: Simplify your setup down the the minimum basics, a guitar, a cord to the pedal, the pedal, a cord to the amp, and the amp. This reduces the possibility of the issue being from something else.
3 - BYPASSED then ACTIVATED: With the pedal bypassed, make sure you have a good, clean, normal sound happening thru the amp. Then activate the pedal, verify the LED indicator is ON, and run each knob thru its full sweep and observe their action and see if they are behaving normally. Observe if the sound has unusual noises or characteristics.
4 - INTERMITTENCE: If you find that the pedal is cutting in and out, see if it appears to be the result of the foot switch or possibly bad cords. If jiggling the guitar cords or plugs appears to affect the intermittence, first spin each plug in the jacks of the pedal to self-clean the metal contacts. If that doesn’t address the intermittence then swap cables to verify the cables aren’t the problem.
5 - CONTACT US: If this process of verifying good power, good cords, and clean connections didn’t fix the problem, email us with your observations from this troubleshooting process, and we’ll help you from there.